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Online Pictorial Directory    

The Online Pictorial Directory is available at the following link:
You will be asked to create a login using the email address(s) you submitted at your photo session, and select a password.  An email will be generated to that email to confirm your identity.  
The online directory is designed as a quick reference to the members of BBF.  You can either scroll down or search for a family.  Click on the thumbnail, and it will bring up the photo along with the contact info.
A free app is also available for Apple, Android and Kindle Fire devices.  Search the Store for “Instant Church Directory.” 


Wednesday Morning Bible Study 

We gather as brothers and sisters in Christ to study and discuss the Word of God on Wednesday mornings from 10:30 to 12:00 with fellowship time before and after.  We believe it is essential to the growing walk of every believer that we are regularly in the Word, studying, meditating, chewing on, and being challenged by its truths. Wednesday morning Bible study is just one way we seek to do this as a family. Anyone is welcome to join us!

Women’s Ministry

The women meet every Thursday at 10:30am at the church for Bible study and fellowship. In addition, there are special fellowship events planned periodically to encourage women to invite their friends, and so we can enjoy one another in these special ways.

Contact:   Karen Gracey,
                Tammy Staff,

Men’s Ministry

Our men meet every Friday at 9:00am at the church for Bible study and fellowship. Their strong desire is to grow as men of God, in a world that is increasingly anti-manhood and anti-masculinity as God ordained it. So come join us, and as iron sharpens iron, let us sharpen one another to be strong: men, husbands, spiritual leaders, and servants to the glory of God.

Contact: Ken Stewart:

              Richard Hunt:


Monthly Fellowship Dinners

Each month, usually the third Thursday of every month, we gather together as a church family at a different restaurant in town for dinner at 5:00pm. This is a great way to meet people if you are new, and if you’re not new, it’s a great way to go deeper and strengthen existing friendships as we break bread together. Everyone is invited!

Contact: Susie Winkler,



We have a small, but solid, library with a variety of Christian books to assist you in the study of God’s Word, encourage you in your spiritual growth, and inspire you in your daily walk with Christ.  Feel free to borrow any of these resources at your leisure.

Pre-Service Prayer

Every Sunday there is a time of prayer before service on the back patio from 8:15-9:00am. This is a time where we pray and intercede for the various aspects of the service, for the leaders, the flock, and much more. Please consider coming early and joining us! This small but powerful ministry is led by Marie-France Lacasse and Jim Fuller.

Contact: Marie-France Lacasse,



Our greeter team fills a vital role, as they are usually the first contact anyone has when arriving at church – whether they are a regular member or a first-time guest. Greeters are responsible for opening up the facilities, creating a welcoming environment, answering questions, and several other things to ensure that our time of worship proceeds smoothly. Above all, they help us to feel more like a family and enable us to focus for worship.
Contact: Richard Hunt,
               Kim Hunt,

Deacon Ministry

The Deacon Ministry is made up of spiritually mature men who have been gifted and called by God to serve the body as deacons. They have been examined and found to be qualified for the office (1 Timothy 3:8-13). Our deacons have many responsibilities including, but not limited to, service administration, ushering, offering, serving communion, building maintenance, special projects, giving special attention to “the least of these,” and managing benevolence spending. Because Jesus Christ is the literal Head of our church, these men also spend considerable time helping the elders to discern decisions while skillfully leading as servants.
Contact: Richard Hunt,

Music & Worship

God-honoring, Christ-exalting, joy-deepening worship is something we strive for. We encourage people to get involved in our music and worship ministry. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. Others are involved in media resources. We ask those interested in serving to become involved in our worship ministry. They are an important part of the ministry of Boquete Bible Fellowship, using their talents and gifts to glorify God.
Contact: Tammy Staff,

Children’s Ministry

We have a Sunday school for younger children that meets on the back patio during the sermon on Sunday mornings. Teams of two rotate leading the kids with a Bible story, an activity, and more. The time is Christ-centered, not merely childcare, and enables parents to focus more fully on what God has for them through the preaching of the Word. If you would be willing to help serve, please contact Brandy.
Contact: Brandy Gregory,

Intercessory Prayer Team

We have established an Intercessory Prayer team of volunteers to pray for the ministry of the BBF family and our community. Throughout the week, the Team prays for our pastor and staff, community outreach and confidential prayer requests.

Contact: Tammy Staff,

Media & Technology

Communicating the gospel via media and technology is very much a part of our world today. To that end, we have a team that coordinates sound and video during Sunday morning worship, uploads recordings to the website, and manages our YouTube channel at

Contact: Tyler Langer,
               Richard Hunt,            


In our multi-lingual community, our desire is that no one is excluded from worshiping with us because of a language barrier.  We provide real-time translation into Spanish using the latest in wireless technology.
Contact:  Noelia N. Gamarra,

Welcome Desk

Located in the back of the sanctuary, this is where you go to get a name tag, to get signed up for the weekly newsletter, and pretty much everything else! Lost and found, chair cushions, translation equipment, and more can be found at the welcome desk. Marie-France manages a small team that takes care of all this and also connects with visitors.
Contact: Marie-France Lacasse,

Slide Transition

Often unnoticed but an integral part of Sunday morning worship is the slide transition team. This is a small team of people who diligently serve us by managing the slides on any given Sunday. This is utilized for announcements, worship lyrics, and sermon notes, among other things.
Contact: Kim Hunt,

Care Team

We saw a need to provide specific assistance and services to our church family. The Care Team was established to address those needs:

    T: transportation – such as to appointments, meetings, church, shopping
    E: errands – such as picking up medications, groceries, paying bills
    A: assistance – personal help with the activities of daily living
    M: meals on a short-term basis
Contact: Rachel Andrews,