Boquete Bible Fellowship is a US church organized as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to BBF are deductible for US income tax purposes. Annual giving reports are distributed at the end of January to all those who have given by check or who have used giving envelopes with their name written on the envelope.
Giving here in Panama:
1. Checks drawn on a U.S. bank: make payable to Boquete Bible Fellowship. They will be deposited into our bank account in the United States.
2. Checks drawn on a Panamanian bank: make payable to Boquete Bible Fellowship Foundation. They will be deposited into our bank account here in Panama.
2. Cash: We encourage you to use the cash envelopes, available at the Welcome Desk. These amounts can be included on a year-end statement for deduction on your U.S. income tax return. Please fill out with complete name and contact information including telephone and email. (You need to do this the first time only; thereafter your information is in our accounting software, and you only need to enter your name.)
3. Online: By clicking the link below, you may donate by debit/credit card or ACH. IMPORTANT – If you make your donation out to BBF, the funds will remain with BBF. If you wish to donate to an organization outside of BBF, such as one of the many ministries we partner with, please make out your donation directly to that organization.
For additional information, you may contact BBF Treasurer, Dale Sylva at