Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Name:
Missionary Assist Panama (MAP)
Ministry Leader/BBF Contact:
Yvonne Oldenburg
What We Do:
We are volunteers who assist BBF and other ministries and pastors, spreading the Gospel.  We minister to Ngabe Indians, Panamanians, and ex-patriots.  Besides contributing towards meeting physical and practical needs, we supply Bibles, Christian tracts, media, learning aids, and do some Bible teaching.  We form relationships and attract people to church services where we know the Word of God will be preached.  We distribute things that people donate for us to give to various ministries that can use them.
How you can get involved:
Pray that we are led and protected by the Holy Spirit.  You can help by volunteering for construction, donation sorting, and food prep for the food ministry.  If you are good with teaching children, we can help find placement for you from various ministries with this need.  If you have a 4-wheel drive vehicle you can help transport volunteers and event supplies.  
Ministry Name:

Journey Ministries (Panama)

Ministry Leader/BBF Contact:
Jim Fuller

What We Do:

We minister daily to Panamanians and Ngobe Indians. Our ministry provides teaching and teacher training for the public schools, Bible Clubs for children and young people, evangelistic outreaches, Bible studies, new churches, as well as training and assistance for existing churches.

How you can get involved:

Financial donations; we always need people to help with tutoring, teaching in schools, staffing Bible clubs, and to help with the feeding program. 
Ministry Name:
Hurting World Ministries-Canas Verdes
What We Do:
Over 6 years ago we started this outreach to the Ngobe Bugle Indians in the township of Canas Verdes. We appointed a couple as pastors while we continued to build the Worship Center. Our mission is to reach all 100 families on the mountain with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many families on the mountain take advantage of our free Christian school and feeding program.
How you can get involved:
The families in Canas Verdes have many needs. Health, dental, vision and good nutrition. These families have very small incomes, so shoes, clothing and hygiene products are always welcome. During our current construction, skilled workers are needed. Volunteers at the primary school would be a big help for the teachers.
Ministry Name:
The Bridge
Ministry Leader/BBF Contact:  
Darrell & Denise Eash
What We Do:
Our main focus is disciple-making, where we take the hand of other believers, walk beside them, and “teach them to obey everything Christ has commanded.”  This is the part of the Great Commission that is often overlooked.  Discipleship is accomplished through one-on-one mentoring and by launching and multiplying both English and Spanish small-group Bible studies.  We are passionate about building a bridge between belief in Christ and maturity in Christ.  Salvation is not the end; it’s just the beginning!
How you can get involved:
Financial donations; Prayer support for the Holy Spirit to lead us in the groups we start, give us wisdom to accurately teach God’s Word, and bring spiritual growth to those who participate; Sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Ministry Name:
Harvest Hope Panama
Ministry Leader/BBF Contact:
David Pech
What We Do:
Our focus is  sharing The Good News of Jesus Christ, through the practice and teaching of  Biblical principals to the Ngäbe community ( children, youth and adults ), who are involved in the coffee industry. We partner with other Ministries, Businesses and Individuals who desire to love on these families. We are a ministry located at the Damarli Estate coffee farm.  
How you can get involved:
We gather each Sunday afternoon for Christian Service in Spanish. During the week we have learning opportunities for the children, youth and adults. We welcome anyone that would give of their time and love to these familes.
Tuesdays  After school children program 
Sunday Worship   3-6pm
During the months of November – March  many Ngäbe families come to our region to participate in the Coffee Harvest.  This is a great opportunity to get involved with children as their parents are busy harvesting coffee. 
For more information you can go to
Ministry Name:
Campus Crusade for Christ International / CRU
Ministry Leader/BBF Contact:
 Oliver & Zulma Marin
What We Do:
Our focus is to oversee and provide leadership in conjunction with a regional team to the 28 countries where we are established with ministry bases in Latin America and the Caribbean, to help fulfill the Great Commission among different target audiences such as  students, professionals, and athletes.  Our vision is to establish spiritual movements everywhere until every person knows a true follower of Jesus.
How you can get involved:
Through monthly financial donations, a lot of prayer as we reach new places in the region with the gospel. Another way to support is by connecting us with others who are passionate about supporting missions among students and professionals.